Commercial Care Facilities

BloodLink Mobile Phlebotomy and Specimen Collection is dedicated to providing comprehensive services tailored to meet the unique needs of commercial care facilities, including Adult Care Homes, Assisted Living, Retirement Homes, Home Health, Palliative Care, and Hospice settings.

Our team understands the importance of efficient and compassionate healthcare delivery in these environments, which is why we offer specialized services directly at your facility. Whether your residents require routine blood tests, specialized diagnostics, or specimen collection, our experienced phlebotomists ensure professional and personalized care without the need for transportation to external clinics or hospitals.

Our services aim to minimize disruption to residents' daily routines while prioritizing their health and well-being. We work closely with facility staff to coordinate appointments, ensuring seamless integration into existing care plans.

With BloodLink Mobile Phlebotomy and Specimen Collection, commercial care facilities can provide convenient and high-quality healthcare services to residents, promoting their overall health and comfort. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your facility's healthcare needs.